Thursday, December 15, 2016

Mothering Eden 009

Some days, Eden wants to strum the ukulele with me. 
Other days, he tells me he's "scared!" of the sound it makes while patting his chest. 
Most days, however, he gets jealous of it and pushes the instrument away; 
demanding that only he gets to sit on my lap.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Mothering Eden 008

Eden is getting so aware of things now. When he sees me drawing, he wants to sit by me in his high chair and draw alongside too.
He doesn't like drawing on paper as much as he loves drawing on the table, floor, walls and cupboards though...
Feelings: kinda proud, kinda stresses me out.
Good thing we'd received some washable crayons as a gift! I highly recommend those.
Orange colour however, for some reason, seems harder to wash out than others.
Got to put elbow grease into it.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Mothering Eden 007

I think we can safely say, we both look forward to snack time! 

Most days I make us a green smoothie. 
In it goes, 2-3 big handfuls of green veggies along with some mint leaves, coconut water, kefir, one green apple and either a tablespoon of Shillington's total nutritional powder or a spoonful of Garden of Life's green superfoods powder and a tablespoon of coconut oil, if I feel up to it. 
Some days I put a banana too, but most of the time I find that it makes the smoothie too sweet.

Today we had biscuits with avocados and cheese. Eden loves his biscuits.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Mothering Eden 006

Scene from our everyday life. Most likely more amusing for you than it is for me.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Mothering Eden 005

Some other days, I get to be a pilot too.

And if you've noticed, yes. There's an update to the momniform. 
Shaved my head. Oh yeah, breeze~

Monday, October 10, 2016

Mothering Eden 004

Before Eden was born, I decided I would most definitely not be one of those mums who allowed their kid any screen time.

Guess what. 
I am now that mum.

How can I not when it's such an excellent source of distraction? 
Oh mums I've judged before, I am so sorry. I totally get it.
Downside to this is that he's making calls to remote countries like Senegal and people in my contact list and messaging random people random things (sometimes proper embarrassing words thanks to autocorrect) all in my name.


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Mothering Eden 003

Weekends are for dance offs. Back in the days we were known to have our own signature dance moves. Here's us working it.
Eden had his own too, which involves a move kinda like marching, until he saw his papa's and decided he'll claim it!

My little Daddy Jr. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Mothering Eden 002

Eden loves books, he can sit still and seemingly pore over them on his own.
He loves it even more when we read to him.

Sometimes we make melodies and tunes out of the illustrations in the stories.
He'll point to the pictures he knows we make music to and gestures for us to sing them.

If he knows the actions, he'll join in.
It's the most adorable thing.

We definitely have more books than toys around here!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Mothering Eden 001

Slightly nervous about picking up a personal project of illustrating 100 days.
Hesitant because, I'm really uncertain if I can commit to a hundred days of drawing something everyday in my schedule.

Since being a mother, I've gotten busy. Too busy to remember what it was like to just be me and what it was like to pursue my hobbies.

So I thought, let's pick up illustrations again. Something for fun, something to get excited about. Not for work and not for earning commissions. Instead of feeling sorry for myself that I don't draw anymore for kicks and reminiscing the time when I did, I'll carve out some time to. I figured, mothering would be the best theme and this project would be a cute way to document the season as well.

So here it is: Mothering Eden 001, featuring first my Momniform.

My wardrobe has changed after being a mum, for real. I pretty much wear a pair of good comfy lounge pants around the house and a top that makes it easy to nurse in. A half top knot bun for hot and humid days to get gross hair out of my face.

I've been nursing Eden for 17 months now and I would like to think that this is an achievement, seeing how I'd only intended to nurse him till he was 6 months old. Eden loves his boob and finds lots of comfort in it, most of the reason why it's impossible to stop. So much so that when he isn't allowed on it, he has to hold it. It's not too bad in the privacy of our own home, but outside, it can get awkward.

It's one of those things that happen as a mum. You battle with wanting some kind of ownership back in "your" life. Your body, your time, your energy, your life. What holds me up and keeps me going on is trusting that the Lord is moulding me towards Christ-likeness in this new season. Besides, here's to hoping too he will kick the habit soon, and one day I'll think back in fondness of the memories of ever nursing the child and have my boobs back to me; or to my husband (until, and if there's, the next kid).

"Every branch in Me that does not produce fruit He removes, and He prunes every branch that produces fruit so that it will produce more fruit." John 15:2

What about you, do you have a momniform too?

Saturday, May 21, 2016


What beauty is in the field

Come, see

I've found my drawing voice. It is back.
What a thick fog I got lost in.